
Get on top of me already

Get on top of me already


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  1. I’d skip this one unless you are very close to this friend.

    As OP said, it’s a three-hour drive, so a quick in-and-out is not likely.

    I guess my question would be, what were your plans if you had decided to attend? Was it to drive home after, get a room or stay with someone?

    If you have family in the area or something you could do that, see them and make it a drop in.

    Otherwise I wouldn’t bother because the party itself sounds like a pretty big ask to attend already. All the more if you can’t stand most everyone there.

  2. Anything from rumble dot com.


    Hilary Clinton is dead by military tribunal. Lead by trump who is still the actual president until this year when JFK junior is coming back to life after his plane crash to be the president. While Biden and Clinton body doubles are involved with the kidnapping of the 500k children a year to commit sexual assault to and then eat their pineal glands which are used to create adrenochrome which is the fountain of youth drug. Clinton was supposedly 150 ish when she was sentenced to death.

    All the top celebrities are in on it and that’s how they got their way into Hollywood. The Covid lockdown was only so that the trump led military could go around collecting these β€œbad people” and replacing them with body doubles so that they can be tried and hung only later to have that body double β€œsuicide themselves or die from mysterious causes” (Mac Miller, Bob Sagat, Chester etc).

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Let’s just do it already babe

You better cum inside of me this time